Our Adopted Animals

Bandit (Nugget)

Nugget was rescued on June 5th, 2023, and adopted on June 18th, 2023 by a lovely person with a husky of his own. He is doing so much better and is a lot happier than ever before! When we first got him, he was shaking in his kennel. He was absolutely terrified, but in a short amount of time, he started warming up super quickly. He has been renamed Bandit.

Thank you, Bryce Bird!

Bodhi (Chee)

Chee was rescued on June 20th, 2023, and was adopted out on July 3rd, 2023 by some local folks who wanted a friend for their elderly dog. He’s really gotten a spring in his step and couldn’t be happier! When we first got Chee he was growling and terrified. He was also suffering from an infection on his face caused by an abscess. He has been renamed Bodhi.

Thank you, Carol and Richard Manuputy!


Henry was rescued from the euthanasia list on July 24th 2023. He is a super calm and nice boy that just wants cuddles. He went to a foster home for three weeks and finally found his forever home on August 20th 2023!

Thank you, Alex Powles!

Maddie (Maeve)

Maeve was rescued on August 26th, 2023. She was very skittish and anxious around people so we can only assume she suffered abuse. She’s very sweet and kind once she gets used to a person though! She stayed with her foster until the very same person decided to adopt her on September 7th, 2023. She has been renamed to Maddie.

Thank you, Loretta Spansail!


Stella was rescued on June 5th, 2023, one of our very first rescues. She was shy but kind, and we were sure she would find a new home quickly. But after adoptions kept falling through and the months passed, we realized something. Stella had already found her home here with us. She was officially adopted by us on September 13th, 2023, but to be honest she was ours from the start.

We love you, Stella, and we’re so glad to have met you!

Dexter (Plex)

Plex was rescued on August 1st, 2023 and was immediately put with a foster. Many thanks to her! He was noticed by a kind couple who adored him the moment they saw him. As Pitbull people themselves they were more than willing to meet him. They decided to officially adopted on September 19th, 2023, and he now lives with two new pittie sisters. He was renamed Dexter.

Thank you, Chad Randall and Shari Miller!


Daryl was rescued on June 20th, 2023, and stayed with two different fosters. Many thanks to them both! He was noticed by some lovely folks in Germany who were reminded of their late dog Blacky. They fell in love with Daryl and decided to adopt him no matter the cost. Daryl arrived in Germany on September 23rd, 2023, and was finally home.

Thank you, Kim Breidebach!


Lilly was rescued on June 20th, 2023. She is a very friendly and excitable pup who got along amazingly with everyone she met. Eventually, Lilly went to live with a foster who fell in love with her bubbly personality. It was this very same person who officially adopted her on October 12, 2023.

Thank you, Kenneth Herman Kroh!


Rio was rescued on July 1st, 2023. She is very sweet and cuddly, not to mention playful. She got along great with our other foster dogs and was always excited to make new friends. We received interest from a dog trainer located in Whittier. Soon after that Rio was transported to her new home and officially adopted on October 12, 2023.

Thank you, Laura Escobar!

Hudson & Sitka

Hudson was rescued on October 25th, 2023, followed by Sitka who was rescued on November 7th, 2023. Hudson was found as a stray and Sitka was discarded by his previous owner twice. Both boys were still in great spirits regardless of their past. They were both being fostered together and thrived in their new environment. Shortly after, their fosters decided that not only were they meant to stay together, they were meant to stay with them. Hudson and Sitka were both adopted by their fosters on January 29th, 2024.

Thank you, Susan Kim and James Steele!

Mac (Dixie)

Dixie was rescued on January 27th, 2024. She was pulled out of a kill shelter on a reservation where she was going to be euthanized. When she finally had room to grow and express herself, she became a very excited and playful little lady. She was adopted on March 9th, 2024 and is now very happy in her forever home with a brand new name! Dixie is now Mac!

Thank you, Jordan Roderick!

Diablo (Dio)

Diablo was rescued on October 24th, 2023. He was pulled from the kill list and was kennel mates with Kiwi for a while. Unfortunately, Dio was with us for a very long time as there were no adopters who fully pulled through. At least not until March 24th, 2024 when he was finally able to be transported and adopted into a new home. Dio is now happily living with a new brother and couldn’t be happier!

Thank you, Kevin Mohr!

Zero (Ice)

Ice was rescued on March 27th, 2024. The poor little pup was suffering with a fractured hind tibia, which tragically got him a spot on the euthanasia list. Luckily we were able to find him a great adopter in record speeds, the day we found him, which got him adopted just one day later on March 28th, 2024. Ice, now named Zero, is now fully healed and very happy in his new home, and we couldn’t be happier for such a swift process.

Thank you, Jessica Delker!

Levi (Valentine)

Valentine was rescued on March 20th, 2024. He was found as a stray, abandoned, tied to a pole, and wearing a jacket. We were able to find a rescue group in Montana that was willing to help him find a home there. To everyone’s surprise, he found an amazing home with our rescue partner, who had sadly just lost one of her own pups. She says that he became a light in her life and filled the void left behind by her tragic loss. Valentine, now Levi, was officially adopted on April 9th, 2024, and is doing amazing in his new forever home

Thank you, Erin O’Connor-McCarthy!

Shadow (Arlo)

Arlo was rescued on March 7th, 2024. He had been previously returned two separate times, and we luckily were able to rescue him just one hour before he was about to be put down. Despite his previous returns, he was able to find his forever home not long after on, April 13th, 2024, in beautiful Pismo Beach. He was renamed Shadow and is loving his new life.

Thank you, Natalie Sanchez!

Oreo (Tahoe/Jagger)

Tahoe/Jagger was rescued on March 25th, 2024. He spent two weeks in a temporary foster home and after went to his foster to adopt home and was officially adopted a week after on April 15th, 2024. Tahoe, now named Oreo, has been doing quite well and his new owners love his charming and relaxed personality. It was wonderful to have such a quick adoption for such a good boy.

Thank you, Randi Rosen!

Enola (Darla)

Darla was a last minute rescue from Riverside on April 15th, 2024. She was 30 minutes away from being euthanized. She was thing and her fur was wiry, caused by malnutrition. With the amazing help of our Montana rescue partner, we found her a foster that watched over her for a little bit. The perfect family fell in love with her on April 29th, 2024.

Thank you, Dan and Ann Marie Mills-Low!


Willow was rescued on April 2nd, 2024 with two of her other siblings. She was deemed feral and unsocial. We figured all of the pups would lighten up and decompress in a home and we were right! Willow was seen by an amazing networker that lives in Nevada, and it was love at first sight. Willow went home on May 5th, 2024 to live with her big sister, Snowie!

Thank you, Mollie Amato!

Ada (Halo)

Halo was rescued from Riverside shelter on March 6th, 2024. She was scared and confused, so the shelter deemed her unsocial enough to euthanize. She reminded us of Rio, another pup we rescued awhile ago, so we took her in. Halo got to know our other pups well and finally landed an amazing home her new owners on May 6th, 2024 . She even got a new name! Halo is now Ada.

Thank you, Tom and Sandi Sparks!

Daisy (Salem)

Salem was red listed at Riverside as a puppy for unsocial behavior. She was rescued by us on April 29th, 2024. Her amazing foster helped us rescue her by driving all the way from Rocklin, CA to Whittier, CA to pick her up. She kept warming up day by day and seemed to fit right in! Salem’s foster decided that Salem was meant to stay with them on May 8th, 2024.

Thank you for your dedication, Kandis Clesson!


Tex was one of the litter of three puppies rescued on April 2nd, 2024. He was very fearful and was red listed because of that. He and his siblings received a lot of medical care and started to grow more confident! A family from Montana saw him and immediately fell in love. They adopted him on May 21st, 2024, before they even met him and now he gets to play in the snow with his big sister!

Thank you, Rebecca White!

Stanley (Jack)

Jack was rescued on May 1st 2024 from Downey Animal Care and Control, his owners had surrendered him to the shelter at 4 years old! We saw his face and instantly felt compelled to help. He instantly settled in with his foster and enjoyed his cozy blanket. Jack’s awesome foster decided that he wanted to keep Jack forever on May 26th 2024.

Thank you, Jorden Gebhard!

Harvey Bear (Bear)

Bear was rescued from Riverside Animal Services on May 21st, 2024. He caught my eye almost immediately with his unique look and kind appearance. I just knew we had to save him, we made a really quick plan and got him to safety. He resided at a temporary foster for about a week then came to our place. I was happy to have met him, he slowly came out of his shell and became more and more comfortable each day. It wasn’t long before he found his forever home with a wonderful lady who was desperately trying to get him out of the shelter. He went home with her on June 3rd, 2024 and he has been happier ever since.

Thank you, Cristina Avery!

White Socks

We rescued White Socks from Downey Animal Shelter on June 18th, 2024. His amazing foster mom was extremely committed to him and drove several hours to pick him up from the shelter. She got him a vet visit, a nice bath, and brought him home. He did so amazingly with her other dogs and seemed like a missing puzzle piece that fit right in. His foster simply couldn’t let him go and decided to make it official on June 26th, 2024.

Thank you for all your dedication and care, Kristina Gray!


Pepper was one of the five dogs we rescued from the Bakersfield Orchard on June 25th, 2024. She had three other siblings and her mom there with her. She had really matted fur filled with burrs and a damaged cornea. Lucky for her, it was an easy fix and she got the treatment she needed. A wonderful family offered to foster her and her sister Spice and it was love at first sight! Pepper joined their family on July 10th, 2024 and is doing great!

Thank you, Marissa O’Neille!


Snickerdoodle was one of the five we rescued from the Bakersfield Orchard on June 25th, 2024. He had three other siblings and his mom there with him. He was dirty, flea-ridden and starving! Him and all his siblings had an amazing transformation and are doing incredibly! He now has an amazing family who loves him with all their hearts! They adopted him on July 13th, 2024 and he is currently enrolled in board and train to learn amazing things!

Thank you, Nicole Marostica and family!

Leo (Nutmeg)

Nutmeg was one of the five we rescued from the Bakersfield Orchard on June 25th, 2024. He had three other siblings and his mom there with him. He was the most matted out of all his siblings and also had a nasty ear infection. Nutmeg searched for his home for awhile and bounced around in foster homes. He learned tricks quickly and was the largest of his litter! His forever family found him on July 29th, 2024 and he got a new big sister called, Ruca, to watch over him!

Thank you Deirdre and Danny Torres!

Ren (Spice)

Spice was one of the five we rescued from the Bakersfield Orchard on June 25th, 2024. She had three other siblings and her mom there with her. She was the smallest of the litter with the biggest personality! She was definitely the favorite of most that met her! She was the last of the litter to find her forever home, when Jamee submitted an application for her, we were so excited. Her and her mother came all the way from Ventura to meet Spice and loved her immediately! Spice was officially adopted on August 3rd, 2024.

Thank you, Jamee Sakai and her amazing mother!


Charlie was rescued way back on May 1st, 2024 with a few medical problems. We got him fixed up and he was then adopted in June. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working out with his adopters so he was surrendered back to us. We found him a new prospective adopter that lived on a ranch! We felt that it was the perfect home for the little guy and were thrilled that he was given a second chance. Charlie had been through a lot and he totally deserved an amazing new home. He was officially adopted on August 14th, 2024.

Thank you, Pat and Michael Gorby!


Ollie was picked up from the streets in Porterville, California on August 1st, 2024. An amazing volunteer helped us get him vaccinated, neutered and transported to his foster home! He perked up quickly, showing his goofy and sweet side. Our amazing foster absolutely adored the little guy. We were all so thrilled to get him off the streets and into a home. Shortly after, the perfect family came across his picture and fell in love! Ollie (aka Olliepop) was adopted on August 17th, 2024.

Thank you Rhiannon Mistreta and Caleb Griffin!


Harvey is the last sibling of the Apple Valley Animal Shelter Three that were rescued on April 2nd, 2024! Along with Tex and Willow, Harvey was definitely the most skittish sibling. He needed a bit of a push so we got him into professional training. He learned to walk on a leash and be more confident. We were messaged by a prospective adopter all the way in New York! We carefully planned his transportation and prepared the adopter for his arrival. We planned for him to arrive in New York on August 20th, 2024 and he has been doing amazingly ever since!

Thank you, Aaron Sand!

Loki (Benji/Viktor)

One of the most anticipated and exciting adoptions to date! We took in Benji/Viktor on December 18th, 2023 after Sandy Paws Sanctuary abruptly shut down. He needed a hernia repair surgery that we fortunately raised the money for! He stayed with us for awhile searching for his forever home! We got him into professional training to help him be even more adoptable. After waiting and waiting he finally found his people! On August 23rd, 2024, he found his amazing forever home in beautiful San Luis Obispo County, California!

Huge thanks to Christina Grant Rice and Rustin Rice for giving this guy a wonderful forever home!